Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Address Locator Style: Customizing Guide

Please read “Address Locator Style: Introduction” before reading this post.

Editing the Locator Style files:

I am going through this guide by ESRI.

What am I changing?

For me it’s to create an address locator without state (here in Israel we don’t have a state).

Also an optional change is adding common spelling mistakes in Hebrew to the mix.


Basic Change: Name and Description

1. Copied: USAddress.lot.xml, LocatorStyle.xsd, and LocatorStyle.xslt to my projects folder.

2. Rename USAddress.lot.xml

3. Change the name and description for the address locator:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="LocatorStyle.xslt"?>
  3. <locators xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="LocatorStyle.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  4.   <locator>
  5.     <name>Dll Shepherd Address</name>
  6.     <desc>Locator style for Dll Shepherd addresses</desc>
  7.     <version>10</version>


Change: create an address locator without state

1. Create ref_data_style with the name City Street House Number

  1. <ref_data_style>
  2.   <name>City Street House Number</name>
  3.   <desc>City,Street and House Number</desc>
  4.   <table_roles>
  5.     <table_role name="Primary">
  6.       <display_name>Primary Table</display_name>
  7.       <desc>streets feature class</desc>
  8.       <field_roles>
  9.         <field_role name="Primary.Shape" is_geometry="true">
  10.           <display_name>Geometry</display_name>
  11.           <preferred_name>Shape</preferred_name>
  12.         </field_role>
  13.         <field_role name="Primary.ID">
  14.           <display_name>Feature ID</display_name>
  15.           <preferred_name>ID</preferred_name>
  16.           <preferred_name>POINTID</preferred_name>
  17.           <preferred_name>FEATUREID</preferred_name>
  18.           <preferred_name>FEATURE_ID</preferred_name>
  19.           <preferred_name>FEAT_ID</preferred_name>
  20.           <preferred_name>FEATUREID_1</preferred_name>
  21.           <preferred_name>FEATUREID_2</preferred_name>
  22.           <preferred_name>DYNAMAPID</preferred_name>
  23.           <preferred_name>DYNAMAP_ID</preferred_name>
  24.           <preferred_name>DYNAMAPID_1</preferred_name>
  25.           <preferred_name>DYNAMAPID_2</preferred_name>
  26.           <preferred_name>OBJECTID</preferred_name>
  27.           <preferred_name>OBJECT_ID</preferred_name>
  28.           <preferred_name>OBJECTID_1</preferred_name>
  29.           <preferred_name>OBJECTID_2</preferred_name>
  30.           <preferred_name>FID</preferred_name>
  31.           <preferred_name>FID_1</preferred_name>
  32.           <preferred_name>FID_2</preferred_name>
  33.           <preferred_name>AREAID</preferred_name>
  34.           <preferred_name>LINK_ID</preferred_name>
  35.           <preferred_name>AREA_ID</preferred_name>
  36.           <preferred_name>LINKID</preferred_name>
  37.           <preferred_name>TLID</preferred_name>
  38.         </field_role>
  39.         <field_role name="Primary.CityName">
  40.           <display_name>CityName</display_name>
  41.           <preferred_name>CityName</preferred_name>
  42.           <preferred_name>CityNameEng</preferred_name>
  43.           <preferred_name>CITY_NAME</preferred_name>
  44.           <preferred_name>CITY</preferred_name>
  45.           <preferred_name>City</preferred_name>
  46.           <preferred_name>CityCode</preferred_name>
  47.           <preferred_name>CITY_CODE</preferred_name>
  48.         </field_role>
  49.         <field_role name="Primary.StreetName">
  50.           <display_name>StreetName</display_name>
  51.           <preferred_name>StreetName</preferred_name>
  52.           <preferred_name>StreetNameEng</preferred_name>
  53.           <preferred_name>STREET_NAME</preferred_name>
  54.           <preferred_name>STREET</preferred_name>
  55.           <preferred_name>Street</preferred_name>
  56.           <preferred_name>StreetCode</preferred_name>
  57.           <preferred_name>STREET_CODE</preferred_name>
  58.         </field_role>
  59.         <field_role name="Primary.HouseNumber">
  60.           <display_name>HouseNumber</display_name>
  61.           <preferred_name>HouseNumber</preferred_name>
  62.           <preferred_name>HOUSE_NUMBER</preferred_name>
  63.           <preferred_name>House</preferred_name>
  64.           <preferred_name>HouseNum</preferred_name>
  65.           <preferred_name>HOUSE</preferred_name>
  66.         </field_role>
  67.         <field_role name="Primary.User_fld">
  68.           <display_name>Additional Field</display_name>
  69.         </field_role>
  70.       </field_roles>
  71.     </table_role>
  72.   </table_roles>
  73.   <data_source type="indexed">
  74.     <mapping_schema ref="REG_COUNTRY" />
  75.     <queries>
  76.       <query>
  77.         <tables>
  78.           <table role_ref="Primary" />
  79.         </tables>
  80.         <fields>
  81.           <field ref="Shape" field_role_ref="Primary.Shape" />
  82.           <field ref="ID" field_role_ref="Primary.ID" />
  83.           <field ref="CityName" field_role_ref="Primary.CityName" />
  84.           <field ref="StreetName" field_role_ref="Primary.StreetName" />
  85.           <field ref="HouseNumber" field_role_ref="Primary.HouseNumber" />
  86.           <field ref="User_fld" field_role_ref="Primary.User_fld" />
  87.         </fields>
  88.       </query>
  89.     </queries>
  90.   </data_source>

I haven’t touched <inputs> and <multiline_grammar> since I don’t know how they work. Testing this now will throw an exception…

2. Since in the previous step we did:

  1. <data_source type="indexed">
  2.   <mapping_schema ref="REG_COUNTRY" />
  3.   <queries>
  4.     <query>
  5.       <tables>
  6.         <table role_ref="Primary" />
  7.       </tables>
  8.       <fields>
  9.         <field ref="Shape" field_role_ref="Primary.Shape" />
  10.         <field ref="ID" field_role_ref="Primary.ID" />
  11.         <field ref="CityName" field_role_ref="Primary.CityName" />
  12.         <field ref="StreetName" field_role_ref="Primary.StreetName" />
  13.         <field ref="HouseNumber" field_role_ref="Primary.HouseNumber" />
  14.         <field ref="User_fld" field_role_ref="Primary.User_fld" />
  15.       </fields>
  16.     </query>
  17.   </queries>
  18. </data_source>

Then we need to create the REG_COUNTRY mapping_schema with those fields. Like ZIP:

  1. <field name="ZIP" grammar_ref="ZIP5">
  2.   <desc>ZIP code</desc>
  3.   <preferred_name>ZIP</preferred_name>
  4.   <preferred_name>ZIPCODE</preferred_name>
  5. </field>

But what is the grammar for CityName? Well inside grammar->Zones->ZIP5:

  1. <def name="ZIP5">
  2.   <alt>`[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]`</alt>
  3. </def>

(It defines ZIP5 as a string of 5 numeric characters)

Looking above it I found:

  1. <def name="City">
  2.   <alias_list_ref ref="CityAliases"/>
  3.   <alt ref="wordlist"/>
  4. </def>

(This defines City as a string of words (wordlist is word+wordlist (who loves recursive?)))

The good news is that House is defined but the bad news Street is not. But that is easily fixable we will just add below City:

  1. <def name="Street">
  2.   <alt ref="wordlist"/>
  3. </def>

(You can use City for that as well but I prefer creating this definition that later can be customized (for example street must start with “St.” can be defined here)

Later I found this definition for street:

  1. <def name="StName">
  2.   <alias_list_ref ref="StreetNameAliases"/>
  3.   <alt ref="name"/>
  4. </def>

Back to our mapping schema, well I started with a copy of USZIP and changed the name and descriptions:

  1. <mapping_schema name="REG_COUNTRY" geom_type="point">
  2.   <desc>Inner Country schema - city,street,house</desc>
  3.   <desc>Point features containing Inner Country schema - city,street,house.</desc>
  4.   <fields>

(Shape and Id I kept the same)

  1. <field name="CityName" grammar_ref="City">
  2.   <desc>City Name</desc>
  3.   <preferred_name>CityName</preferred_name>
  4.   <preferred_name>CITY_NAME</preferred_name>
  5. </field>
  6. <field name="StreetName" grammar_ref="Street">
  7.   <desc>Street Name</desc>
  8.   <preferred_name>StreetName</preferred_name>
  9.   <preferred_name>STREET_NAME</preferred_name>
  10. </field>
  11. <field name="HouseNumber" grammar_ref="House">
  12.   <desc>House Number</desc>
  13.   <preferred_name>HouseNumber</preferred_name>
  14.   <preferred_name>HOUSE_NUMBER</preferred_name>
  15. </field>

(I kept User_fld since it’s not required and I just don’t know what it does)

Next <index> this I decided to copy+change from SingleAddress, this defines how the index of the data is going to be built:

  1. <index>
  2.   <dictionary ref="House"/>
  3.   <dictionary ref="StreetName" search="true"/>
  4.   <dictionary ref="City" search="true"/>
  5.   <dictionary ref="ID" type="ids"/>
  6.   <relationship>
  7.     <field_ref ref="ZIP"/>
  8.   </relationship>
  9.   <reverse_relationship>
  10.     <field_ref ref="House"/>
  11.     <field_ref ref="StreetName"/>
  12.     <field_ref ref="City"/>
  13.     <field_ref ref="ID"/>
  14.     <field_ref ref="User_fld"/>
  15.   </reverse_relationship>
  16. </index>

Outputs, hope it works:

  1. <outputs>
  2.   <output ref="Shape" type="geometry"/>
  3.   <output component="Status" candidate_mode="false" length="1"/>
  4.   <output component="Score" type="float" decimal_digits="2"/>
  5.   <output name="Match_addr" length="100">
  6.     <format>
  7.       <field_value ref="House"/>
  8.       <field_value ref="StreetName"/>
  9.       <field_value ref="City"/>
  10.     </format>
  11.   </output>
  12.   <output name="Ref_ID" ref="ID" type="fromdata" selector="WriteReferenceIDField"/>
  13.   <output ref="User_fld" type="string" length="120" selector="WriteAdditionalOutputFields" />
  14.   <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  15. </outputs>

Reverse GeoCoding, I just copy changed this to my needs:

  1. <reverse_geocoding>
  2.   <reverse_geocoding_method name="Address">
  3.     <outputs>
  4.       <output ref="Shape" type="geometry" />
  5.       <output ref="ZIP" length="5" />
  6.       <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  7.     </outputs>
  8.   </reverse_geocoding_method>
  9. </reverse_geocoding>

Result (cross my fingers and hope it works):

  1. <reverse_geocoding>
  2.   <reverse_geocoding_method name="Address">
  3.     <outputs>
  4.       <output ref="Shape" type="geometry" />
  5.       <output ref="House" length="15" />
  6.       <output ref="StreetName" length="100" />
  7.       <output ref="City" length="100" />
  8.       <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  9.     </outputs>
  10.   </reverse_geocoding_method>
  11. </reverse_geocoding>

I just commented standardization (hope it’s not needed)

Testing got me this Exception:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled by user code
  Message=Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'ESRI.ArcGIS.Location.IReferenceDataTables'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{600A5898-DDC1-11D3-9F74-00C04F8ED1C4}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).




Testing the changes: with ArcCatalog

TODO: I don’t really have ArcCatalog…

Testing the changes: with ArcObjects

I wrote a post about it and it can be found here.


TODO: add a link to the introduction

TODO: add a link to the arcObjects testing

TODO: Fix introduction post


Customizing ArcGIS 10 locators (An Esri Geocoding Technical Paper)

Keywords: ESRI, ArcGis Server, geocode, geocoding, address locator

Address Locator Style: Introduction

Vered asked me for help in creating new address locator styles in ArcGis 10.


Have you ever learned Programming Languages course? I have. Address Locator Styles are just a formal representation of the language of the Address Locator. It’s like in C# lexical and syntactic grammar which define how to build a comment (either with // or /*).


What is geocoding?

Transforming a description of a location (coordinates or address) to a feature on the map (“geographic features with attributes”).

what is Address Locator Style?

The interface for the Address Locator, it defines the parameters and the return value for the Address Locator.

what is Address Locator?

“Main tool for geocoding in ArcGIS”, we use the Address Locator as a geocode service in our ArcGis server (our Silverlight application uses it to search for an address).

The Address Locator uses a scoring system to check the input sentence with the possible output features:


(Not mine, ESRI’s)

The scoring is done by the Locator Styles that are in:

Desktop:  C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Locators
Server:    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Server10.0\Locators
Engine:    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Engine10.0\Locators


Reading the Locator Style files:

I am going through this guide by ESRI.

(The XML viewed here is a copy of USAddress.lot.xml)

The Address Locator Style name and description:

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="LocatorStyle.xslt"?>
  3. <locators xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="LocatorStyle.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  4.   <locator>
  5.     <name>Dll Shepherd Address</name>
  6.     <desc>Locator style for Dll Shepherd addresses</desc>
  7.     <version>10</version>


Define “how the Geocode Addresses geoprocessing tool appears and functions for the style”

  1. <inputs>
  2.   <default_input name="Single Line Input" length="100" grammar_ref="Location">
  3.     <caption xml:lang="en">Full Address</caption>
  4.     <std_elt standard="FGDC">CompleteAddress</std_elt>
  5.     <recognized_name>Address</recognized_name>
  6.     <recognized_name>Addr</recognized_name>
  7.     <recognized_name>Address_1</recognized_name>
  8.     <recognized_name>Customer_Address</recognized_name>
  9.   </default_input>
  10.   <input name="Street" length="100">
  11.     <caption xml:lang="en">Street or Intersection</caption>
  12.     <recognized_name>Address</recognized_name>
  13.     <recognized_name>Addr</recognized_name>
  14.     <recognized_name>Address_1</recognized_name>
  15.     <recognized_name>Customer_Address</recognized_name>
  16.   </input>

Address Locator Style – Nice view:

Open the XML with an Internet Browser. It can be viewed as a nicer XML format:


Clicking on SpatialOperator (on the right of Location) will move the view to the location of SpatialOperator in the XML view (or at least they are supposed to but it doesn’t work if the the tree isn’t open on that element).



Defines “address elements known to the locator and their possible usage in an address”.

Top level elements:
  1. <section desc="Top level elements">



  1. <def name="Location">
  2.   <alt>
  3.     <elt ref="FullAddress" separator_list=".,;" />
  4.   </alt>
  5.   <alt ref="Coordinates"/>
  6.   <alt ref="SpatialOperator"/>
  7. </def>

Element on the left and on the right are component elements starting with a colon(':'), a pipe('|') seperates the components and a semicolon(';') ends the options set. The component elements state the options foe the element.

For Example: Location is the element, FullAddress is the first option and SpatialOperator the last option. Location can be either FullAddress, Coordinates or SpatialOperator.

Superscripts are scores for the Address Locator:



  1. <def name="NormalAddress">
  2.   <alt>
  3.     <elt ref="House" weight="20"/>
  4.     <elt ref="FullStreetName" weight="60" pre_separator="required"/>
  5.     <elt ref="OptionalUnit" weight="0"/>
  6.   </alt>
  7. </def>

Object in braces exposes how the engine uses a function:



  1. <def name="Postal">
  2.   <alt>
  3.     <elt ref="GenZIP" search_context="ZIPSearch"/>
  4.     <result>
  5.       <search_value ref="ZIPSearch"/>
  6.     </result>
  7.   </alt>
  8. </def>

Commentary is regular text after the braces


For example: format: { ['Distance'] ['Units'] " bearing " ['Bearing'] " from " ['Match_addr'] }


  1. <def name="DirectedOffset">
  2.   <alt>
  3.     <elt ref="positiveRealNumber" weight="0"/>
  4.     <elt ref="LinearUnits" weight="0"/>
  5.     <elt ref="Bearing" weight="0"/>
  6.     <elt ref="From" weight="0"/>
  7.     <elt ref="Location"/>
  8.     <result tag="SpatialOperator">
  9.       <method ref="directed_offset">
  10.         <parameter>
  11.           <component_value component="_1"/>
  12.         </parameter>
  13.         <parameter>
  14.           <component_value component="_2"/>
  15.         </parameter>
  16.         <parameter>
  17.           <component_value component="_3"/>
  18.         </parameter>
  19.         <parameter>
  20.           <component_value component="_5"/>
  21.         </parameter>
  22.       </method>
  23.       <format>
  24.         <component_value component="Distance"/>
  25.         <component_value component="Units" pre_separator=" "/>
  26.         <value xml:space="preserve"> bearing </value>
  27.         <component_value component="Bearing"/>
  28.         <value xml:space="preserve"> from </value>
  29.         <component_value component="Match_addr" record="1"/>
  30.       </format>
  31.     </result>
  32.   </alt>
  33. </def>

In grey are behaviors fallback situation:


and they are relevant only for the component elements. For example here they are relevant only for unitAndNumber but if there was another component element it wouldn’t be relevant for it.


  1. <def name="OptionalUnit">
  2.   <alt/>
  3.   <alt fallback_score="75">
  4.     <elt ref="unitAndNumber"/>
  5.   </alt>
  6. </def>

Separator hints:


(Not mine, ESRI’s)



TODO: Still can’t understand this voodoo

Interpret the above graphic as meaning that a FullStreetName may be made up as
■ prefix + pre_type_no_sthwy + StName + suftype + suffix entirely separated, or
■ Prefix + pre_type_sthwy + OptHyphen + StName + suftype + suffix, where StName may be optionally concatenated with a preceding hyphen after pre_type_sthwy
The first form might be like "North Avenue Walnut Road East," and the second like
"North Road Number 6 West" or "I-10."


  1. <def name="FullStreetName">
  2.   <alt>
  3.     <elt ref="prefix" weight="5" stan_weight="11" pre_separator="required" post_separator="required"/>
  4.     <elt ref="pre_type_no_sthwy" match_as="pretype" weight="6" stan_weight="1000" />
  5.     <elt ref="StName" weight="70" stan_weight="10" pre_separator="required" post_separator="required"/>
  6.     <elt ref="suftype" weight="7" stan_weight="1000"/>
  7.     <elt ref="suffix" weight="5" stan_weight="15" pre_separator="required"/>
  8.   </alt>
  9.   <alt fallback="true">
  10.     <elt ref="prefix" weight="5" stan_weight="11" pre_separator="required" post_separator="required"/>
  11.     <elt ref="pre_type_sthwy" match_as="pretype" weight="6" stan_weight="2000" />
  12.     <elt ref="OptHyphen" weight="0"/>
  13.     <elt ref="StName" weight="70" stan_weight="10" pre_separator="optional" post_separator="required"/>
  14.     <elt ref="suftype" weight="7" stan_weight="1000"/>
  15.     <elt ref="suffix" weight="5" stan_weight="15" pre_separator="required"/>
  16.   </alt>
  17. </def>


“Aliases are commonly recognized values for elements and may be sets of alternate literal values”:



  1. <alias_list name="CityAliases">
  2.   <alias_def>
  3.     <alt>acres</alt>
  4.     <alt>acr</alt>
  5.   </alias_def>

Values starting with underscore ('_') are stated in the prefix/suffix section.



  1. <alias_def>
  2.   <alt ref="_bch"/>
  3. </alias_def>


Mapping Schemas

“Defines how reference data logically relates to grammar elements”.


Names are not used and might be removed in the next version (at least according to ESRI).

In XML (partly):

  1. <mapping_schema name="SingleAddress" geom_type="point">
  2.   <desc>Single house addresses (points)</desc>
  3.   <desc>For point address datasets.</desc>
  4.   <fields>
  5.     <field name="Shape" type="geometry">
  6.       <desc>Shape field</desc>
  7.     </field>
  8.     <field name="ID">
  9.       <desc>Unique ID field</desc>
  10.     </field>
  11.     <field name="House" grammar_ref="House">
  12.       <desc>House number</desc>
  13.       <preferred_name>HN</preferred_name>
  14.       <preferred_name>ADDRESS</preferred_name>
  15.     </field>

TODO: unknown weird field definition:

  1. <field name="StreetName" grammar_ref="StName">
  2.   <desc>Street Name</desc>
  3.   <preferred_name>STNAME</preferred_name>
  4.   <preferred_name>STREET_NAME</preferred_name>
  5.   <scoring_method ref="calculate_score">
  6.     <init_properties>
  7.       <prop name="CharacterTable">scoring</prop>
  8.     </init_properties>
  9.     <parameter>
  10.       <input_value />
  11.     </parameter>
  12.     <parameter>
  13.       <field_value ref="StreetName" />
  14.     </parameter>
  15.   </scoring_method>
  16. </field>

Non required field (the required or non required doesn’t show on the nice view):

  1. <field name="Rank" required="false">
  2.   <desc>Specifies rank (primary or secondary) for alternate records of the same geometry</desc>
  3.   <preferred_name>Rank</preferred_name>
  4. </field>

The default filter:

  1. <selection_clause dbms="default">
  2.   <field_ref ref="StreetName"/> &lt;&gt; '' AND
  3.   <field_ref ref="StreetName"/> &lt;&gt; ' ' AND
  4.   UPPER(<field_ref ref="StreetName"/>) &lt;&gt; 'UNNAMED' AND
  5.   UPPER(<field_ref ref="StreetName"/>) &lt;&gt; 'UNNAMED STREET'
  6. </selection_clause>

Defining the index structure on the data:

  1. <index>
  2.   <dictionary ref="House"/>
  3.   <dictionary ref="PreDir"/>
  4.   <dictionary ref="PreType"/>

Defines a lookup structure between the fields specified, making search faster:

  1. <relationship>
  2.   <field_ref ref="StreetName"/>
  3.   <field_ref ref="City"/>
  4.   <field_ref ref="State"/>
  5. </relationship>

Define a reverse relationship so form ID we can get ZIP:

  1. <reverse_relationship>
  2.   <field_ref ref="ZIP"/>
  3.   <field_ref ref="ID"/>
  4.   <field_ref ref="User_fld"/>
  5. </reverse_relationship>

TODO: WHY bother…

  1. <properties>
  2.   <prop name="StorageSegmentSizeKB" type="Int">128</prop>
  3.   <prop name="supportsEmptyHouseNumber" type="Boolean">false</prop>
  4.   <prop name="supportsIntersections">false</prop>
  5.   <prop name="StoreStandardizedRefData">true</prop>
  6.   <prop_list name="BatchPresortInputs">
  7.     <value>State</value>
  8.     <value>ZIP</value>
  9.     <value>City</value>
  10.   </prop_list>
  11. </properties>


  1. <outputs>
  2.   <output component="Shape" type="geometry"/>
  3.   <output component="Status" candidate_mode="false" length="1"/>
  4.   <output component="Score" type="float" decimal_digits="2"/>
  5.   <output component="Match_addr" length="120"/>
  6.   <output ref="House" batch_mode="false" length="12"/>
  7.   <output ref="PreDir" batch_mode="false" length="6"/>
  8.   <output ref="PreType" batch_mode="false" length="6"/>
  9.   <output ref="StreetName" batch_mode="false" length="32"/>
  10.   <output ref="SufType" batch_mode="false" length="6"/>
  11.   <output ref="SufDir" batch_mode="false" length="6"/>
  12.   <output ref="City" batch_mode="false" length="20"/>
  13.   <output ref="State" batch_mode="false" length="2"/>
  14.   <output ref="ZIP" batch_mode="false" length="5"/>
  15.   <output name="Ref_ID" ref="ID" type="fromdata" selector="WriteReferenceIDField"/>
  16.   <output name="X" component="X" type="float" selector="WriteXYCoordFields"/>
  17.   <output name="Y" component="Y" type="float" selector="WriteXYCoordFields"/>
  18.   <output ref="User_fld" type="string" length="120" selector="WriteAdditionalOutputFields" />
  19.   <!--output name="Z" component="Z" type="float" selector="WriteXYCoordFields"/-->
  20.   <output component="Addr_type" length="20"/>
  21.   <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  22. </outputs>

Reverse geocoding (WTF?):

  1. <reverse_geocoding>
  2.   <reverse_geocoding_method name="Address">
  3.     <outputs>
  4.       <output component="Shape" type="geometry" />
  5.       <output name="Street" length="120" >
  6.         <format>
  7.           <field_value ref="House" nulls="0"/>
  8.           <field_value ref="PreDir" pre_separator=" "/>
  9.           <field_value ref="PreType" pre_separator=" "/>
  10.           <field_value ref="StreetName" pre_separator=" "/>
  11.           <field_value ref="SufType" pre_separator=" "/>
  12.           <field_value ref="SufDir" pre_separator=" "/>
  13.         </format>
  14.       </output>
  15.       <output ref="City" length="20"/>
  16.       <output ref="State" length="2"/>
  17.       <output ref="ZIP" length="5"/>
  18.       <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  19.     </outputs>
  20.   </reverse_geocoding_method>
  21.   <reverse_geocoding_method name="MGRS" use_spatial_search="false">
  22.     <method ref="reverse_MGRS"/>
  23.     <outputs>
  24.       <output component="Shape" type="geometry" />
  25.       <output component="MGRS" length="12" />
  26.       <output component="Match_time" type="float" selector="ShowElapsedTime"/>
  27.     </outputs>
  28.   </reverse_geocoding_method>
  29. </reverse_geocoding>

standardization –> build: “The build section specifies how street names are parsed into the locator index when you create a locator.”

  1. <standardization>
  2.   <build>
  3.     <use_standard_values>false</use_standard_values>
  4.     <format>
  5.       <field_value ref="PreDir" />
  6.       <field_value ref="PreType" pre_separator=" "/>
  7.       <field_value ref="StreetName" pre_separator=" "/>
  8.       <field_value ref="SufType" pre_separator=" "/>
  9.       <field_value ref="SufDir" pre_separator=" "/>
  10.     </format>
  11.     <grammar>
  12.       <alt>
  13.         <elt ref="FullStreetNameForStd" />
  14.       </alt>
  15.     </grammar>
  16.     <outputs>
  17.       <output name="PreDir" component="prefix" length="12"/>
  18.       <output name="PreType" component="pretype" length="40"/>
  19.       <output name="StreetName" component="StName" length="60"/>
  20.       <output name="SufType" component="suftype" length="40"/>
  21.       <output name="SufDir" component="suffix" length="12"/>
  22.     </outputs>
  23.   </build>

standardization –> tool:  “The tool section controls how the Standardize Addresses tool operates.”

  1. <tool>
  2.   <use_standard_values>true</use_standard_values>
  3.   <grammar>
  4.     <alt>
  5.       <elt ref="_HouseNum" match_as="House" stan_weight="11"/>
  6.       <elt ref="FullStreetNameForStd" />
  7.       <elt ref="OptionalUnit" stan_weight="1"/>
  8.     </alt>
  9.     <alt>
  10.       <elt ref="OptionalUnit" stan_weight="1"/>
  11.       <elt ref="_HouseNum" match_as="House" stan_weight="11"/>
  12.       <elt ref="FullStreetNameForStd" />
  13.     </alt>
  14.   </grammar>
  15.   <outputs>
  16.     <output name="ADDR_HN" alias="HouseNum" component="House" length="12"/>
  17.     <output name="ADDR_PD" alias="PreDir" component="prefix" length="12"/>
  18.     <output name="ADDR_PT" alias="PreType" component="pretype" length="40"/>
  19.     <output name="ADDR_SN" alias="StreetName" component="StName" length="60"/>
  20.     <output name="ADDR_ST" alias="SufType" component="suftype" length="40"/>
  21.     <output name="ADDR_SD" alias="SufDir" component="suffix" length="12"/>
  22.   </outputs>
  23. </tool>
Reference Data Styles



(Not mine, ESRI’s)

In XML (partly):

  1. <ref_data_style>
  2.   <name>Single House</name>
  3.   <desc>US Single House Addresses</desc>
  4.   <table_roles>
  5.     <table_role name="Primary">
  6.       <display_name>Primary Table</display_name>
  7.       <desc>Address feature class</desc>
  8.       <field_roles>
  9.         <field_role name="Primary.Shape" is_geometry="true">
  10.           <display_name>Geometry</display_name>
  11.           <preferred_name>Shape</preferred_name>
  12.           <preferred_name>Feature</preferred_name>
  13.         </field_role>
  1.   </field_roles>
  2. </table_role>
  3. <table_role name="AltStreet" required="false">
  4.   <display_name>Alternate Name Table</display_name>
  5.   <desc>Alternate Streets (Optional)</desc>
  6.   <field_roles>
  7.     <field_role name="AltStreet.ID" required="true">
  8.       <display_name>JoinID</display_name>
  9.       <preferred_name>ALTNAME_ID</preferred_name>
  10.       <preferred_name>JOIN_ID</preferred_name>
  11.       <preferred_name>JOINID</preferred_name>
  12.       <preferred_name>ID</preferred_name>
  13.       <preferred_name>OBJECTID</preferred_name>
  14.     </field_role>
  1.   </table_role>
  2. </table_roles>
  3. <data_source type="indexed">
  4.   <mapping_schema ref="SingleAddressPolygonCentroid" />
  5.   <queries>
  6.     <query>
  7.       <tables>
  8.         <table role_ref="Primary" />
  9.       </tables>
  10.       <fields>
  11.         <field ref="ShapePtPoly" field_role_ref="Primary.Shape" />
  12.         <field ref="ID" field_role_ref="Primary.ID" />
  13.         <field ref="House" field_role_ref="Primary.House" />
  14.         <field ref="PreDir" field_role_ref="Primary.PreDir" />
  15.         <field ref="PreType" field_role_ref="Primary.PreType" />
  16.         <field ref="StreetName" field_role_ref="Primary.StreetName" />
  17.         <field ref="SufType" field_role_ref="Primary.SufType" />
  18.         <field ref="SufDir" field_role_ref="Primary.SufDir" />
  19.         <field ref="City" field_role_ref="Primary.City" />
  20.         <field ref="ZIP" field_role_ref="Primary.ZIP" />
  21.         <field ref="State" field_role_ref="Primary.State" />
  22.         <field ref="User_fld" field_role_ref="Primary.User_fld" />
  23.         <field ref="Alt_JoinID" field_role_ref="Primary.Alt_JoinID" />
  24.       </fields>
  25.       <join_clause />
  26.       <selection_clause />
  27.     </query>
Output Formats:
  1. <output_formats>
  2.   <format_definition name="format_intersections">
  3.     <field_value ref="PreDir" record="1"/>
  4.     <field_value ref="PreType" record="1" pre_separator=" "/>
  5.     <field_value ref="StreetName" record="1" pre_separator=" "/>
  6.     <field_value ref="SufType" record="1" pre_separator=" "/>
  7.     <field_value ref="SufDir" record="1" pre_separator=" "/>
  8.     <value xml:space="preserve"> &amp;</value>
  9.     <field_value ref="PreDir" record="2" pre_separator=" "/>
  10.     <field_value ref="PreType" record="2" pre_separator=" "/>
  11.     <field_value ref="StreetName" record="2" pre_separator=" "/>
  12.     <field_value ref="SufType" record="2" pre_separator=" "/>
  13.     <field_value ref="SufDir" record="2" pre_separator=" "/>
  14.     <field_value ref="City" record="1" pre_separator=", "/>
  15.     <field_value ref="State" record="1" pre_separator=", "/>
  16.     <field_value ref="ZIP" record="1" pre_separator=" "/>
  17.   </format_definition>



TODO: customize spelling mistakes

TODO: customize parameters for address locator to – City, Street, house number




What is geocoding?

Essential geocoding vocabulary

Customizing ArcGIS 10 locators (An Esri Geocoding Technical Paper)


Keywords: ESRI, ArcGis Server, geocode, geocoding, address locator