Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unit Tests: What to Test?

Have you read the book Pragmatic Unit Testing in c# with NUnit?
No, read it (it's a must):


Well the book has this poster at the back:


(click here to get a PDF version directly from their site)


Well what I like to test are these things:

1. Right: given good parameters is the function returning good results?

2. Boundary Conditions: given parameters such as null values, empty string, empty list, negative/zero index, out of bound indexes is the method returning the right results (either returns an error, throws an exception or does nothing).

3. Inverse: if you can write some code that returns your parameters back, test that you are getting them back. For example 3++ = 4 , 4-- = 3

4. Cross-Check: if you can write some code that runs the method in a different way, test that for the same input you get the same results. For example: 3++ = 4 , 3+1 = 4

5. Error Condition: test for exceptions – for the right parameters the method throws an exception of the right type. For example when dividing by zero an exception of type DivideByZeroException is thrown.

6. Performance: test for the time/memory/CPU the method took to run

My preferred way of writing Unit tests is:

  1. public class TestedClassTests
  2. {
  3.     public void TestedMethod_WhatIsTested_ExpectedResult(){...}
  4. }

If you tried that and are using Resharper you will get a warning that the naming convention is wrong but there is a solution.


Now I usually use a Live Template from Resharper that automatically creates regions with test methods for all the test cases. I have put the template in my Codeplex Project: ResharperTemplates\TestTemplate_ResharperLive.xml

//TODO: Add VS Snippets
How to change the ReSharper naming style for test methods



Keywords: Unit test, beginner, ExpectException, Exception, Resharper